This webpage is the first and only guide to the glitches of Metroid II: Return of Samus for Nintendo's Gameboy. Some are small, insignificant glitches while others are new, expansive regions of the game never yet seen by human eyes. Here, you'll find explanations of everything known about these glitches as well as entry guides and an expansive collection of screenshots. The rest, I leave to you to discover for yourself.
-Jesse D
October 24, 2004
Anyway, the M2SW still isn't dead. The fabled "Project SR-388" is still kinda not done, but it shouldn't yet be dismissed as a vapor-page. Expect a "Beyond the Limits" feature in the near future as well, work and school permitting. The "secret page" has been sorta removed, so again, if you found it in the last 6 months and never got your name on the page, sorry. That goes to you too, Kabutroid. In my tradition of ripping off other people's ideas, expect another one in the future. ;)
Also, if you haven't already, check out M2Edit! The more attention it gets, the more likely it will get new, better features! So for now, over and out, and I'll be more responsive to e-mail, I promise!
May 13, 2004
Some day, I'll actually get Project SR-388 on the road. School is out, so expect that along with another little feature I'm putting together in the future.
March 10, 2004
Expect more updates in the forseeable free time I'll have in the future (around my Spring Break or so).
February 29, 2004 |
Nintendo, Samus Aran, Metroid, Planets Zebes and SR-388, all of the Screenshots on this page, NES and Game Boy are all legal copyrights © of Nintendo Co. Ltd. and Nintendo Of America. "The Metroid II Secret Worlds" and about 95% non-screenshot graphics were made by me. |